The history of Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church.

Per its 107th Anniversary booklet:

“Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church was organized in 1882, under the directorship of the Reverend J.D. Blount. It is believed that the church was first formed as a bush shelter on Lovers Lane, now known as Forest Hills Road.

“On May 29, 1900, Mr. Kichen Watson, land owner let ex-slaves have this land for the church. There was no existing known deed for the land and therefore the land clearly reverted to the heirs. Sometime during this period, the member and Trustees decided to buy a lot and build a church.

“In May during the 1900’s, S.H. Vick and his wife bargained for, sold, and conveyed to Louis Bess, Daniel Blount, and Windsor Darden and their successors in office at the time, a parcel of land lying on the corners of Elba and Vance Streets.

“In 1905, a second deed was made because there were questions as to the original deed and the description of the lot.

“In the 1930’s, R.E. Townsend and his wife sold to Piney Grove Church Members and Trustees, Elijah Parker, Willie Cooper, Quincey Gardner, Carrie Hargrove, Ethel Jefferson, W.H. Palmer, and J.Z. Staton and their heirs and successors in office a lot on the corner of Elba and Vance Streets for the sum of $100.

“The church was moved from its old location to the lot on Vick and Carolina Streets and still remains there today.

“Over the years, Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church has grown in both membership and improvements have been made in order to maintain the tradition of the church.”

Rev. Eddie H. Cox, who lead Piney Grove’s move to the Vick Street location.

Thank you, M.B. Ward!

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