family farm

Wyatt Lynch’s land today.

We saw the division of Wyatt Lynch‘s land in a post in which I estimated the farm’s location on Old Stantonsburg Road. I was right about the general location, but have recently found its exact site between the road and Hominy Swamp and across from Wedgewood Golf Club. Amazingly, it remains in the hands of Lynch’s descendants!

The parcels that make up the property are marked with white asterisks below. The southernmost, a small sliver of land fronting on Old Stantonsburg is the site of Dixon Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, named for the family of Harriet Lynch Dixon, which likely donated the land to the church.

Numerous death certificates attest to a family cemetery on this land, but this aerial does not immediately identify its location. Does anyone know where the Lynch/Dixon/Anderson/Rhoades cemetery is?

Aerial photo courtesy of Wilson County GIS website.