interactive map

A map of every building.

On 12 October 2018, the New York Times published a piece with the straightforward title “A Map of Every Building in America.” Its interactive map is endlessly fascinating at multiple levels. Below, the city of Wilson today:

Detail of the southeastern section of the city, with these historical African-American neighborhoods and places highlighted: (1) the heart of East Wilson; (2) the location of the Colored Graded School; (3) Rountree Place (nearly all of the houses in this triangle were cleared in the late 1990s to make way for Freeman Place, a multi-phase affordable housing development); (4) D.C. Suggs’ property (just above it, the site of the first colored cemetery; (5) Vicksburg Manor; (6) South Lodge Street; (7) Rountree cemetery; (8) Rest Haven cemetery; and (9) the Masonic cemetery:


Detail of the near-northwestern section of the city, with these historical African-American neighborhoods highlighted: (1) Grabneck; (2) New Grabneck; (3) Daniel Hill; (4) Finch’s Mill Road; (5) Lee and Pine Streets. (The waterway visible in its wide floodplain is Hominy Swamp.)