gas pipeline

Lane Street Project: Alert! Natural gas project underway.

Wilson Daily Times, 22 March 2024.

Earlier this month, I posted about an email I sent to Councilmember Gillettia Morgan with questions about activity near the Lane Street Project cemeteries. Assistant City Manager Rodger Lentz quickly responded to my question about the city’s comprehensive plan. Last week, the Times addressed the work Piedmont Natural Gas is carrying out in the elbow of Bishop L.N. Forbes Street.

P.N.G.’s response to the paper’s inquiry is somewhat reassuring, and a drive-through of the area reveals the work is focused a few hundred yards west of Vick Cemetery behind a screen of trees bordering Lane Park. However, I’m puzzled by the assertion that “Piedmont Natural Gas updated and replaced existing natural gas pipelines in November” when the line that runs alongside Vick has not been touched. This stretch of line is of particular importance to us, as wooden markers placed last summer indicate graves may extend into this area.

Citizens, please make it your business to roll up and down Bishop L.N. Forbes Street and lay eyes on the landscape. Let us know what you see, and we’ll try to get answers.

Lane Street Project: the gas line (or, your daily dose of sacrilege.)

Not only is it scarred by transmission poles and buried utility trenches, a natural gas pipeline wraps around two sides of Vick Cemetery.

Using NPMS’ Public Viewer, I confirmed the presence of gas tranmission pipelines in the utility easements I’d noticed marked at the two southwestern corners of the cemetery.

Here’s a closer view, with my labeling in yellow:

And here’s the Google Maps view, with the gas line corridor highlighted:

I checked for you — there are no such gas transmission lines near Maplewood Cemetery. Why? Because there are none west of 301 in the whole of Wilson County.