
History award winner!

Over the weekend, I picked up from Levolyre Farmer Pitt a box of newspaper clippings that her mother Savannah Powell Farmer had saved in the 1970s and ’80s, and —

Wilson Daily Times, 23 February 1982.

Look at that young historian!

As a friend remarked, “The village love is priceless!” Much more to come from that treasure trove!

Your history is still around you.

Periodically, I’ll run across a quotation that speaks to Black Wide-Awake‘s purpose. Yesterday, I found it in the words of Dorothy Thompson Bolden, co-founder of the National Domestic Workers Union of America, in a 1995 interview for Georgia State University’s Voices of Labor Oral History Project:

“If you think about it, and you live here and think about it at home when you’re in the bed, that your history is still around you, it don’t go nowhere. People may try to get rid of it, but it never gets out of you, and people don’t realize that. If we go back now and study some of these peoples, and look at it and listen to them talk, we can tell you a great deal …”