Lane Street Project: in memory of Damp Haskins (1851-1915).

I’ve spoken of the database I am developing of likely burials in Vick, Odd Fellows, and Rountree Cemeteries. My spreadsheet draws upon death certificates, obituaries, and other sources — most distressingly imprecise. The term “Rountree Cemetery” on these documents may refer to Vick, Odd Fellows, or Rountree. Some documents broadly refer only to burial in Wilson. However, in the absence of official burial records for any of the cemeteries, we make do.

This series honors the men, women, and children who never had grave markers, or whose stones have been lost or stolen or destroyed. Memorials for graves believed to be in Vick Cemetery, which the City of Wilson stripped of remaining markers in 1996, will be identified with a Vick Cemetery logo. Memorials for men and women born in slavery will be identified with a broken chain.


Damp Haskins died 22 April 1915 in Wilson. Per his death certificate, he was 64 years old; was born in North Carolina to Charles Haskins and a mother whose name was not known; worked as a farmer; and was buried in Wilson by C.H. Darden & Sons. William Haskins was informant.

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