Lane Street Project: summer check-up.

The second day of summer in Odd Fellows cemetery:

Burn marks in the parking lot. People, do better.

I hope the city has not taken the front section of Odd Fellows off its regular maintenance schedule just because Lane Street Project put its shoulder to the wheel. This grass badly needs cutting.

Likewise, the entire ditch needs to be cleared of sumac, sweetgum, and maple saplings, as well as a blanket of weeds.

The wisteria is trying to make a comeback, but severing the vines up high has secured LSP’s major Season 1 victory.

The Mincey family plot is losing ground. Ben Mincey‘s hydrant is nearly overgrown again, as are the markers for his father Prince and brother Oscar Mincey.

We remember.

Photos by Lisa Y. Henderson, June 2021.

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