The obituary of Samuel H. Vick, postmaster, educator, banker, real estate dealer, theatre owner and businessman.

Wilson Daily Times, 10 July 1946.

Samuel H. Vick‘s grave marker was unearthed last month by Lane Street Project volunteers. Though “Rountree” was already the name used collectively for the three cemeteries at the east end of Lane Street, Vick was in fact buried in Odd Fellows.


    1. Vick seems to have been somewhat removed from public life for many years before his death, and I imagine that — coupled with a general unwillingness to acknowledge his accomplishments — made it easy to go with a bare bones obit.

  1. I agree Perry that , indeed, Sam Vick was one of the most important leaders in Wilson County’ s history. Does anyone know if The Vick Family is listed as one of the Founding Families of Wilson in a book published by the Wilson Historical Society??

    1. The Founding Families book encompasses all families present in Wilson County at its founding in 1855 or, for formerly enslaved families, at the time of the 1870 census. Vick’s parents were newly arrived from Nash County at that time and are included.

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