The Vicks entertain.

The Colored American, 21 February 1903.

The headline, I think, should say “Mr. and Mrs. Vick Entertained at Wilson, North Carolina.” This charming social piece, submitted pseudonymously by “Juliet,” details a dinner party hosted by Samuel and Annie Washington Vick in 1903. (Where was their home at that time? The house we now know as the Vick residence was not yet built.)

Guests included Rev. Owen L.W. Smith, former minister to Liberia; Annie Vick’s brother Paul Washington; Mrs. M.E. Dortch; Po_a S[illegible]; and Julia A. Amee. Geneva Battle and Sarah Dortch assisted Annie Vick as hostesses. (Four years later, Sarah Dortch would marry Walter S. Hines.)


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